Spotlight On Some Of Our Producers

Patrick’s Patch

Who would put salad with a pasty?

Well, we would! We’ll also put it with your sandwich, toasty, soup, quiche, etc Any excuse to introduce you to the very best locally grown leaves, herbs and veg.

Patrick is one of our growers. We met Patrick in 2020, when a friend who knows just how much we love wonderful ingredients said, “I know this person who grows the most AMAZING veg!” Shortly after we were visiting Patrick in one of his fields. While he walked back and forth with his seed planter, we talked about what he grows, which turned out to be pretty much everything. From lovage, to lemons, to curry leaves and lots of edible flowers

Our first deliveries start around the end of April and keep on coming until the end of November. Every delivery is a bit different, which is why our salads never stay the same.

Just look at this gorgeousness!


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